from Mon. to Fri. from 08:30 AM to 09:30 PM and Sat. from 08:30 AM to 05:30 PM
We put our expertise at your service to help you acquire your ideal holiday home.
Learn more about our real estate servicePrice:€7,330,000
Agency fees chargeable to the buyer
Legal information
Le Collectionist, SAS with capital of 1 020 710,70€, whose registered office is located at 65 rue de la Victoire - 75009 Paris, registered under the number 789 370 152 RCS Paris, Professional card no. CPI 7501 2015 000 002 893 issued by CCI Paris Ile-de France allowing the exercise of the transaction activity on real estate and goodwill.
Financial guarantee: Galian Assurances – 89 rue de la Boétie 75008 Paris.
Amount of guarantee: 120,000 euros.
Agency fees
Types of property: houses, apartments
Fees: 6% including taxes of the price.
The fees represent the maximum percentages applicable to our services.